Serving the Descendants of
Confederate Veterans in Prince Edward, Amelia, & Nottoway Counties, Virginia
Sons of Confederate Veterans High Bridge Camp# 1581
Meetings: 4th Thursday of each month Please email for more information
Throughout the calendar year the Sons of Confederate Veterans High Bridge Camp# 1581
conducts numerous public outreach and service activities. Some of those include sponsoring an annual $500 SCHOLARSHIP, volunteering to cleanup a local thoroughfare through the ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY program, conducting VETERAN GRAVE MARKINGS & DEDICATIONS, volunteering to CLEANUP VETERAN CEMETERIES, and hosting EDUCATIONAL & PROFESSIONAL LECTURES/PRESENTATIONS during monthly meetings.
High Bridge Camp #1581
2024 Officers
J. Whitaker "Whit" Morris - Commander
Christopher S. "Chris" Burks - 1st Lt. Commander
Donald F." Donnie" Reynolds - 2nd Lt. Commander
Zachary T. "Zach" Morris - 3rd Lt. Commander
Edward S. "Ned" May - Chaplain
Dan P. Johnson - Adjutant
J. Shane Newcombe - Treasurer
Thomas "Tom" Haake -Editor/Quartermaster/Historian
Kenny F. Barnard - Judge Advocate
Charles E. "Gene" Kirkman - Surgeon
Billy Ray "Trey" Capps III - Sergeant-at-Arms